Pastors & Leaders Growing in Health through Transformation


  • Revitalization is not about restoring the “church” to something in the past.
  • Revitalization is not about growing in numbers but rather growing in health.  How is congregational health defined in your congregational setting?  It’s much more than making the budget or having enough money to pay the bills.
  • Revitalization addresses systemic issues which often stand in the way of renewal.
  • Clarity about mission along with establishing some measurable goals give focus for the whole congregation to work together rather than wanting to lay the burden only on the pastor.
  • Three important steps:
    • Develop consensus on a brutally honest assessment of the congregation — write it down and it’s not about pointing fingers but being transparent about congregational health.
    • Next look to God to reveal His plans for your congregation in the community and throughout the world (Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth).  This is a spiritual adventure journey — looking to God (prayer, listening, etc.)
    • Establish specific measurable goals around the congregation mission and where God is leading the congregation.
  • Revitalization is not about books, programs, etc. but working a plan and engaging persons to grow in discipleship and daily witness.  It is not about a technical fix (changing out the broken part) but rather about adaptive initiatives to relate the Word to a broken world.
  • It’s not about continuing to do the same thing and expecting a different result!

A Variety of Options for Your Congregation to Explore and to Use!



Is a two-year introductory process delivered in four seasons that equips your entire church to engage your community with the Gospel.  Here are some links for you to review the elements of Seasons of Discovery. You may watch the instructional video or view the Seasons of Discovery PowerPoint presentation.  Also, you can view the Discovery Map of the process and view or print the Seasons of Discovery Brochure.

Hinge Events are one-day seminar options that start pastors and leaders on the path to opening doors to your community.  Hinge Events are designed to be offered on a circuit/area basis.  Click here to learn more about Hinge Events.

A Church Consultation helps jump-start the transformation process for churches new to the TCN process or speed-up transformation for those who have already begun. It is designed to identify specific issues and give recommendations to the congregation with regard to its ability to reach out to unchurched individuals in its community with the Gospel of Jesus.  Click here to explore use of the church consultation process.

TCN Church Assessment: Survey and Report – Through participating in this assessment, your congregation will receive insightful feedback on how your congregants score the pastor and your church on the 8 Hinge Factors, which have been confirmed statistically to impact effectiveness in outreach to the community.  Information is power, and the goal is to empower pastor and leaders through your congregation to reach your community with the Gospel. The Church Assessment will help you understand your strengths and how to capitalize on them, while learning how to build up the areas where improvement is needed.  Click here to discover how this assessment can be used.

Leadership Learning Communities is a collegial, circuit/area based group of pastors, ideally between 8 and 12 individuals, which meets monthly with the purpose of developing and honing leadership skills related to church transformation.  Learning communities are designed as safe peer-driven learning environment which equips pastors and leaders for transformation.  As most pastors are often well prepared as theologians, worship leaders, and caregivers, the focus of Learning Communities is on leadership development.  By participating in a learning community, you will naturally develop skills that will help you lead your church into transformation.  Click here to learn more about this opportunity!

Transforming Churches Network (TCN) is a not-for-profit corporation registered in the State of Tennessee which has received 501(c) 3 status with the IRS.  TCN is a Recognized Service Organization (RSO) of the LCMS.  Rev. Dr. Terry Tieman serves as the executive director of TCN.

Gene Menzel serves as an advocate for revitalization/transformation among Southern District congregations.  His contact information is:    E-Mail:       Phone504-495-7436 or 256-486-9422

Since TCN services are offered on a cost basis, the Southern District will offer access to Spirit Kindle grants as funds are available.  It is important for congregations to have an investment in a process for revitalization/transformation.  Also, the congregation’s financial support of District/Synod through the District is valued to help make grant funds available.

Pastor, leaders, and congregations are surfing a culture very different than the past.  It is important that the energies of pastor and leaders be harnessed to work in a teaming manner.  It is easy to get caught in tug-o-war (conflict) which frustrates persons or to deny the observable trends in the congregation and community.  Revitalization/transformation while not offering programmatic solutions seeks to walk alongside through coaching and ongoing support to help the congregation grow in health.  How can we engage together in 2015 to see the systemic health of the congregation improving and a passion to connect with those who do not yet have a faith relationship with Jesus?  In Baptism, each person is called to grow in discipleship and being a reproducing disciple through bringing the Gospel to others.