Greetings from Grace Lutheran Church in Huntsville, AL! The new year has been a busy one.
In late January, the LWML ladies of Grace Circles held a quarterly meeting. Five ladies shared their support of outreach missions: the Christian Women’s Job Corps, the Student Exchange Program, the Neighborhood Baby Thrift Store, and the Huntsville Community Chorus. In addition, a member of our Sew-n-Sews group showed a crocheted plastic mat made from plastic bags which they distributed to homeless shelters.
Our middle school Optimist Club students and parents did an excellent job of converting our fellowship hall into an Italian ristorante. They prepared and served a delicious Italian Valentine’s dinner on February 13. A lovely evening was enjoyed by all who attended!
A group from Grace attended a Ray Vander Laan seminar in S. Pittsburg, TN. The seminar was titled “The Road to the Cross” and was about Jesus’ last week with His disciples. One attendee remarked, “It was very insightful and gave a tremendous amount of illuminating cultural background that revealed deep meaning to Jesus’ words and actions in His last week.”
A chili bowl competition was held on February 24. There were seventeen entries, and the judges included someone from our police and fire departments, HEMSI, our church, and Mayor Tommy Battle. There was live bluegrass music, a photo booth, and door prizes. The $2,000 raised will go to our capital campaign, specifically for completion of classrooms on the second floor of our family life center. We are now conducting Wednesday night Lenten dinners and worship services in anticipation of Easter.
To God be the glory!