Resources to Help Congregations, Schools, Church Workers, and Lay Leaders During COVID-19

Synod Agencies, Auxiliaries, and Other Southern District Partners

The links below provide resources to aid you in serving others, as well as physically, emotionally, and spiritually dealing with the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic. Many of the agencies listed below also have Facebook pages where they are posting resource updates and streaming messages to encourage, uplift, and share peace & hope.

      • Southern District CEF
        If you have a need or question related to an investment or loan with Southern District CEF, please contact them (email).

Worship, Giving, and Technology

      • The Hymnal Project – lead sheets and recorded music that are free to use, from the LCMS Michigan District
      • ONE LICENSE – offering free licenses to new users during COVID-19 (valid through April 15)
      • WORSHIPCast − CCS – offering discounts for new WORSHIPCast streaming licenses on purchases through April 10 with code STREAM10

When your congregation is unable to gather in person for worship, several digital platforms are available so that congregational members can still give their offerings.

For congregational members who are not tech-savvy, consider providing self-addressed envelopes they can use to mail their offerings to your church.

      • Lutheran Communicators Facebook Page – 2,000+ Lutheran communicators from around the country. Help includes discussion threads on common communication / technology topics, as well as a mentorship program for 1-on-1 connections.

Schools, Children, and Youth

      • LuthEd – LuthEd has added links to resources that will aid Lutheran schools in navigating ministry during COVID-19.

Other Resources

      • Zoom – a great option for staff, faculty, leadership, or committee meetings; Bible studies; confirmation classes; day school instructional lessons; etc.
      • ElectionBuddy – a helpful resource for voting that needs to be conducted electronically and/or remotely

Prayer Vigils

The Southern District hosted weekly prayer vigils during the “stay at home / safer at home” period of COVID-19.

To view the “Together We Pray” prayer vigils, visit the Southern District YouTube channel.

The Lutheran Church—
Missouri Synod

The LCMS Southern District is part of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

Grace Alone - Faith Alone - Scripture Alone

Contact Us

LCMS Southern District
100 Mission Drive
Slidell, LA 70460-5216

P: 504-282-2632
F: 985-871-9696

Get Social

Connect with the LCMS Southern District on Facebook and YouTube

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2024 LCMS Southern District